Te Miringa - Kelly Milich
Step into the world of Te Miringa, where we specialize in traditional Māori Healing, Taa Miri, Mirimiri, & Romiromi - ancient Māori practices that weave together the threads of energy to harmonize, balance the tīnana (body), hinengaro (mind), and wairua (spirit). Through these traditional techniques, we invite you to experience the profound restoration of balance, clarity and well-being. Let us guide you on a journey of transformation, where the essence of Māori mātauranga (knowledge) revitalizes your being from within. Discover the intricate dance of energy and healing, waiting to embrace you at Te Miringa.
Whānau Miri
Taa Miri, Mirimiri & Romiromi
Taa Miri
Taa Miri is an intuitive diagnostic practice that focuses on assessing the ahua, which refers to the spiritual aura or appearance of the body.
Through Taa Miri a facilitator can access, identify and understand various aspects of a person's well-being. This approach involves reading the body to uncover signs of trauma, negative energies, emotional pain, physical, psychological distress, and generational pain.
The fundamental principle of Taa Miri is to listen to the body.
Mirimiri is a traditional Māori spiritual healing practice that involves the manipulation of energy to release negative energies, physical and psychological and generational pain that may be trapped within the cellular memory of the body. Through Mirimiri, we aim to clear any unnecessary energies that may hinder the healing process, allowing for restoration and balance to be achieved for the individual.
'Mirimiri is NOT Massage,' as it focuses primarily on spiritual healing.
Romiromi is a traditional Māori healing practice that complements Mirimiri. Romiromi involves deeper physical manipulation of the body, including deep tissue, stretching, and joint manipulation. It aims to release physical tension, realign the body's structure, and promote the flow of energy throughout the body.
Romiromi is a healing process that involves clearing and opening blocked energy points within the body. In some cases, facilitators may utilize their elbows, feet, wood, stones (pounamu),
seawater, rākau as tools to facilitate this process.
The ancient practice of Romiromi brings about life-changing transformations.
Rongoā Māori
Rongoā Māori - Traditional Māori Medicine is comprised of diverse practices and an emphasis on the physical and spiritual wellbeing.
Te Miringa encompasses:
Rongoā Rākau (herbal remedies)
Karakia | Tākutaku
Traditional Māori Healing (Taa Miri | Mirimiri | Romiromi)
ALL Rongoā Māori (oils) used in treatments are sourced from our Hau Kāinga, (home) and are made by Te Miringa.
"Mirimiri is not massage"...
Mi - to stimulate
Ri - to agitate
Ro - Internal Organs
Mi - to stimulate
Te Miringa - Services
Taha Tinana, Taha Hinengaro, Taha Wairua
At Te Miringa, we believe in the interconnectedness of all aspects of health - Taha Tinana, (physical), Taha Hinengaro (mental) and (emotional), and Taha Wairua, (spiritual). Our approach is holistic, addressing the root causes of imbalance to facilitate, deep healing and transformation. We honor the traditional knowledge passed down through generations to provide comprehensive care for our whai ora (clients).
We are dedicated to providing a safe and supportive space for physical, spiritual wellbeing. Whether you're seeking relief from physical pain, emotional stress, or spiritual disconnection, we are here to support you every step of the way.
He Whakatauaaki
Keep to the pathway
Journey not on ignorance
Be ever alert to your own emotions
Prosper well from wisdom
The vision of well-being is simplicity
Being empowered from within keeps us ever stable
Where and whatever happens now is totally up to one-self.