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Whai Ora |Clients of Te Miringa

Are you considering Te Miringa? Hear from those who've experienced Te Miringa firsthand. Our clients share their stories, highlighting how our service has positively impacted their lives. Their testimonials offer genuine insights into traditional Māori healing its application and outcomes of wellbeing. 

Finding Healing and Comfort Through Rongoā

I have suffered chronic back and neck pain from a young age and had tried everything, but nothing provided more than temporary relief. At my worst, my body was exhausted. I experienced a high-risk pregnancy and lost my baby, born at 29 weeks, just two hours after birth. Despite hearing great things about Rongoā healing, life got in the way. Suffering, I locked myself away as depression, anxiety, and stress took control.

When I contacted Kelly, I felt a sense of aroha from the moment I reached out. I walked into a fresh, relaxed, safe space and was guided through the entire process. During my Mirimiri, there were tears of sadness and joy. The korero about my painful areas blew me away as it all finally made sense. So much was lifted in that session.

We finished with a hakari, some laughs, and formed a forever connection.

My healing process began. I felt like a huge weight had lifted off me. Although my chronic pains didn't disappear overnight, the comfort my body felt was amazing.

I have since moved to Whangarei, Northland, and added a new addition to our whānau, our pēpē (girl).

I look forward to a visit in the future.

Arohanui, Celeste

Celeste, Whangarei, Northland Aotearoa (NZ)

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